New Years 2017 - Music for every gig

I have been pushing myself to learn many new pieces as 2017 is now underway. My current repertoire list is extensive, and it becomes tougher to keep up the pieces I have learned in the past, while adding new ones to the mix. I find that people who hire me for weddings, corporate events, or other private events really like a wide variety of music. I find certain clients like a specific kind of music for an event (ie Spanish, classical, latin, jazz, or pop classics). While other clients appreciate the variety in my repertoire, and wish to hear the widest range possible. A reasonable goal I have made is to find a new piece of music from each respective music category and work on a new one once a week. When a person stops learning new pieces and advancing, it turns into a musical purgatory, where no new growth occurs. Sometimes it occurs from being too busy, with teaching, and performing, particularly in the summer. Which is why the brutally cold months of January through March are perfect to enhance the craft of guitar playing. Here's to a great 2017! Hope to meet new people at all the gigs I perform in, and see some familiar faces.

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